Carbon Capture


Tobi Khan Painting and Carbon Capture

Halt Climate Change and Revitalize America


Carbon Capture


Tobi Khan Painting and Carbon Capture

Halt Climate Change and Revitalize America



Tobi Kahn Painting

- Create 26,000 new Wyoming jobs.

- Produce 1.6 billion barrels of low-carbon-oil.

- Generate billions in government revenues.

- Save towns like Glenrock, Wyoming.

These are some of the benefits to Wyoming predicted by a 2020 study sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.

And this is just the start.


Tobi Khan Painting

Energy is the cause of civilization. From harnessing fire in the paleolithic era to generating electricity
in the modern age, we advance with every new source of power.

That advancement comes with a cost, however. The problem with carbon emerged during the Industrial Revolution when we learned to replace the labor of human muscle with the power of fossil energy. Over the past 300 years, billions of tons of fossil fuel have been extracted from the earth and burned. And the carbon that was once underground is now trapped in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide. Since 1750, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen from 280 to 417 parts per million.

And the buildup of this greenhouse gas has consequences. Our forests are burning. Our oceans are rising. Our storms are strengthening.

To restore balance, we must do more than cease to burn carbon—and weaning ourselves from fossil fuels is not easy or even entirely possible. Humanity needs instead a way to return carbon to the earth from which it came.

Carbon capture is the technology that does this. Whether drawing CO2 directly from the air the way a tree does, or scrubbing concentrated CO2 from industrial emissions, carbon capture enables humans to stop emitting and start returning CO2 to the ground.

Carbon capture has been proven at scale. It is already one of the lowest cost clean energy technologies. And, in a neat symmetry, captured carbon dioxide can be used to help produce low-carbon oil, reducing the net costs of installing carbon-capture technology and reducing the carbon footprint of the oil we still consume.



Glenrock’s vision reaches from Wyoming to encompass the globe. The energy transition project in Wyoming can become a template for
those who wish to decarbonize
industry quickly and without destroying communities.

Glenrock’s mission is both to address climate change and to enhance human dignity. We will undertake projects throughout the world that advance this mission.

We face a desperate need for this kind of approach. The world now consumes close to 100 million barrels of oil a day. Even under the most optimistic scenarios, the world will continue consuming millions of barrels of oil every day until the century’s end. It does not suffice to reduce oil consumption. We must also ensure that the oil we still consume releases less pollution than the oil we burn today. 

Glenrock will make that happen—and the project cannot stop there. 

We must clean from our atmosphere two-hundred-fifty years of industrial pollution. For this reason, Glenrock is developing next-generation carbon-capture technologies that can lower the cost of carbon capture so much that it becomes profitable to suck carbon from the air. When deployed at sufficient scale, these devices will enable the world to eliminate and reverse its pollution.

Catastrophic climate change is inevitable only if we believe ourselves helpless.

The time has come to close the carbon loop.



Tobi Kahn Painting

Let’s make the future Carbon Capture in Wyoming

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